Know more about Solar power
Energy from the sun can be captured in two ways: as heat energy (thermal energy) or as light energy. Photovoltaic (PV) technology, also known as solar panels, converts the sun’s light energy into an electrical current.
Solar power systems have become very popular with Australian home owners, with more than 1.84 million roof top systems installed across Australia (as at 31 March 2018).
While the upfront cost of a solar power system must be met, once installed they require little maintenance, can be expected to last at least 20 years, and the electricity they generate is free. The cost of solar panels and storage batteries is coming down quickly and systems are becoming more affordable for many households.
New developments in lithium-ion battery systems for the home will enable households to get more out their solar power system. Being able to store excess energy you don’t use during the day and access this at night means you will be less reliant on buying electricity from the grid.
The process of converting sunlight into electricity using PV systems produces no greenhouse gas emissions. Any excess electricity above your needs can be fed back into the mains power grid or into a battery storage system.